Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Colorado Military Historian (CMH) 2013 - WWI Square Bashing

Next year will be the 100th Anniversary of The Great War. Some of us at Vet Wars this year were able to put on some WWI actions. Terry Shockey took the opportunity to run the latest of Peter Pig's Square Bashing rules. I didn't get to play in this one because I was one table over in a Civil War battle but received great pictures and feedback regarding the battle. John Owen and Doug Wildfong handled the Americans with Dave and Jordan Newport taking the Germans. It sounded like it was a very good game. Thanks Terry for putting it on.

If you do not know about Square Bashing please go to the Peter Pig Website and take a look at all of their nice ranges of figures and rules. The figures used in this scenario are a split between Peter Pig and Minifigs.

Peter Pig Website


So let me get to the battle. This was an American Force protecting a command bunker and their trench line from the Germans. We got some nice pictures and some narration from the players - enjoy.


1 comment:

Clint said...

Directed here from Eldaer blog. I played my first game of square bashing about 10 days ago. I found it enjoyable and frustrating in equal measures. Good to see how another group plays the rules.