Saturday, September 22, 2018
B Class Gunboat
Yesterday I finished three new models of my designated B Class side wheeler. This one is for my good friend Jim Ferich of the Delaware Gaming Group. The model is made of Basswood built around a blue foam structure to keep them light for shipping. The first of these boats a year ago I was making them out of solid pine wood under the decks. Way too heavy! The Guns are from John at Reviersco Miniatures. The other two models are going with me to Hurricon. They will be part of my Gunboat Scenario. Should be a lot of fun! I start my drive on Wednesday. Hope to see some of you there!
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Last Stand Boatyard (September)
Hello Everybody,
Well it has been pretty busy getting ready for Hurricon and the clock is ticking. It's coming up on the 25th to 27th in Orlando. It is one of my favorite Conventions to attend and I look forward to seeing my east side brothers and friends at HMGS South. I will be putting on a couple of games, the first from the Gordon Campaign book, the Battle of Ginnis and the other a Gunboat battle featuring my Gunboat & Dhows! rules which are in the final review stages for a long awaited release.
In the Boatyard, I have been building all kinds of boats to use in my games and display at the dealer table. Come look for me. Man, I can't wait to retire when I can do this full time! So here are some tidbits on what I have been up to.
One of the boat ideas I have been playing around for a long time was that of a Steam Launch. A year ago when discussing the idea of a Launch, I met my new friends at Firelock Games ( https://www.firelockgames.com/product/longboat/) who make that great game of Blood and Plunder. I found they made a very nice looking longboat which turned into what you will see here. With a few conversions and some boiler creation help from Mr. Doug Wildfong, you will see my rendition of what I think is a very nice Colonial Steam launch. I hope you like it.
I always wanted a shirt that has my favorite word "Gunboat" on it. So after some heavy thinking and milling over some ideas I finally came up with a design for a shirt. The picture/art was created by Mr. David Mills who helped me out a lot! After that was squared away I contacted my friends at INK FX, in California (https://inkfxcorp.myshopify.com) who did a great job on the screen printing. I have never been involved in what it takes to put all that together and I was so glad for the assistance. I think they came out very very nice. These shirts will be available at Hurricon and can also be ordered on the website (laststanddan.com). By the way, the Model in the picture is not included! I don't know why I had to say that, but it may have to do with me knowing some of you Pirates out there. arrgh. lol.
There is another shot of the new L Class which is now designated the L70 (70' long). I think that is the best boat for moving into the late 1800, early 1900s. With simulated rivets all over the hull it definitely has a Gunboat/Fastboat look and feel to it.
I even received a few requests to rebuild the Governor House that was displayed and used in my "Get to the Boat Scenario" (http://laststanddan.blogspot.com/2017/10/tmwwbk-get-to-boat-sudan-scenario.html). I made one and received requests for a couple more. Those are always fun to make.
So how about another boat option for the Dervish? In my scenarios I like to arm my Dervish with captured Egyptian boats. Nothing too powerful but enough to make Imperials sweat a little. There is nothing like seeing an angry bunch of dervish warriors crowded on a deck with a Krupp gun sitting on the bow. So I made the new F class. The F being a type of civilian ferry boat. A little under powered and unprotected but still dangerous with the right dervish or traitor Egyptian Captain fighting it. So you will see a couple of pictures of it in its final stages.
With all that going on my gaming table becomes the work table and it is a mess! I am also building more B Class Gunboats, C Class steamers and several 15mm Double masted dhows.
So keeping busy and looking forward to my road trip to Orlando! And Thanks for all the orders coming in! I really appreciate it and I hope those models are adding to your gaming experiences!
Well that is all for now. Still so much to do! I hope to see you at Hurricon!
Last Stand Dan

Well it has been pretty busy getting ready for Hurricon and the clock is ticking. It's coming up on the 25th to 27th in Orlando. It is one of my favorite Conventions to attend and I look forward to seeing my east side brothers and friends at HMGS South. I will be putting on a couple of games, the first from the Gordon Campaign book, the Battle of Ginnis and the other a Gunboat battle featuring my Gunboat & Dhows! rules which are in the final review stages for a long awaited release.
In the Boatyard, I have been building all kinds of boats to use in my games and display at the dealer table. Come look for me. Man, I can't wait to retire when I can do this full time! So here are some tidbits on what I have been up to.
One of the boat ideas I have been playing around for a long time was that of a Steam Launch. A year ago when discussing the idea of a Launch, I met my new friends at Firelock Games ( https://www.firelockgames.com/product/longboat/) who make that great game of Blood and Plunder. I found they made a very nice looking longboat which turned into what you will see here. With a few conversions and some boiler creation help from Mr. Doug Wildfong, you will see my rendition of what I think is a very nice Colonial Steam launch. I hope you like it.
I always wanted a shirt that has my favorite word "Gunboat" on it. So after some heavy thinking and milling over some ideas I finally came up with a design for a shirt. The picture/art was created by Mr. David Mills who helped me out a lot! After that was squared away I contacted my friends at INK FX, in California (https://inkfxcorp.myshopify.com) who did a great job on the screen printing. I have never been involved in what it takes to put all that together and I was so glad for the assistance. I think they came out very very nice. These shirts will be available at Hurricon and can also be ordered on the website (laststanddan.com). By the way, the Model in the picture is not included! I don't know why I had to say that, but it may have to do with me knowing some of you Pirates out there. arrgh. lol.
There is another shot of the new L Class which is now designated the L70 (70' long). I think that is the best boat for moving into the late 1800, early 1900s. With simulated rivets all over the hull it definitely has a Gunboat/Fastboat look and feel to it.
I even received a few requests to rebuild the Governor House that was displayed and used in my "Get to the Boat Scenario" (http://laststanddan.blogspot.com/2017/10/tmwwbk-get-to-boat-sudan-scenario.html). I made one and received requests for a couple more. Those are always fun to make.
So how about another boat option for the Dervish? In my scenarios I like to arm my Dervish with captured Egyptian boats. Nothing too powerful but enough to make Imperials sweat a little. There is nothing like seeing an angry bunch of dervish warriors crowded on a deck with a Krupp gun sitting on the bow. So I made the new F class. The F being a type of civilian ferry boat. A little under powered and unprotected but still dangerous with the right dervish or traitor Egyptian Captain fighting it. So you will see a couple of pictures of it in its final stages.
With all that going on my gaming table becomes the work table and it is a mess! I am also building more B Class Gunboats, C Class steamers and several 15mm Double masted dhows.
So keeping busy and looking forward to my road trip to Orlando! And Thanks for all the orders coming in! I really appreciate it and I hope those models are adding to your gaming experiences!
Well that is all for now. Still so much to do! I hope to see you at Hurricon!
Last Stand Dan
"Always Send A Gunboat!"

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