Sunday, February 6, 2011

Doug's Workbench

Doug and I have been meeting at his house for some dedicated painting and project time.  If you have never been to Doug’s basement you could be amazed.  It is like a hobby shop with Wargame stuff in every scale, every time period (including Sci Fi), finished or in-process projects, board games in every nook and cranny.  His library of Military books is the largest private collection I have ever seen.  Pretty cool. 

Broken fence and corn stalks, how cool is that?

Anyway, we try and meet once a week to chat, listen to music and work on whatever projects we have in-process.  I have already learned a bunch of tips and tricks on making terrain, painting figures, etc.  It is always an enjoyable evening. 

Beautifully done!

I joked with Doug because he had some Artillery to paint up and he called it a “low hanging fruit” project.  I laughed because so far in my career at work or wargaming I found in my book there is no such thing.  There is always more to the project or the project changes that makes it a little longer to complete or a little more complex.  Well, I have to hand it to Doug, he finished this Artillery Batteries fairly quickly and I wanted to share a couple of pictures of what he completed and how cool they look.  They really look like diorama pieces.  Well done Doug!  I wished I had your attention to detail and patience.


More Gun Stands Doug painted and mounted

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